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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 29 Oct 1968

Vol. 236 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Mayo Roads.


asked the Minister for Local Government if he is aware that many roads in County Mayo are in a very bad condition as a result of very heavy traffic and the inadequate amount of money that is being provided by his Department, particularly for roads which formerly were maintained by minor employment schemes; and if he will take all possible steps to make funds available for much-needed road work.

I assume that the question refers to "accommodation" roads eligible for grants under the Local Improvements Scheme. I have indicated in reply to previous questions by the Deputy that I am not aware that the position is as he states. As to the adequacy of money provided for Local Improvement Schemes, an allocation of £54,000 was made in the present financial year to Mayo County Council. I understand that no expenditure has been incurred by the council up to the 30th September last and that the bulk of the allocation made is unlikely to be taken up by the end of the financial year. The latter part of the question does not, therefore, arise.

Is the Minister not aware that due to the fact that what were known as the free schemes are no longer in operation there is quite a lot of difficulty in collecting the contributions and that as far as bog roads and drains are concerned, unless some new scheme is devised, nothing will be done because it is impossible to get the people who go to a bog from a wide and varied area together to subscribe the money and this and other factors are responsible for the delay in starting schemes? Would the Minister have any solution to that problem?

The contributions have been significantly reduced in these cases and I am not aware that the position is as the Deputy states.

I can assure the Minister that it is as I have stated.
