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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 12 Nov 1968

Vol. 237 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Water and Sewerage Schemes.


asked the Minister for Local Government the position regarding the provision of a water supply at Termon, County Donegal, from the Lough Salt-Letterkenny water mains.

A revised design for an enlarged scheme has been approved by Donegal County Council. Quotations are being sought by the group for materials and construction works.


asked the Minister for Local Government the up-to-date position regarding the extension of the water supply (a) to the Horn Head district and (b) to Dunfanaghy, County Donegal.

There are no proposals before my Department for a water supply extension to Dunfanaghy which, I understand, has an existing supply.

Proposals for an extension of the Dunfanaghy/Creeslough supply to Horn Head are under consideration in my Department. On the latest information available to me, however, the local authority do not regard this scheme as having a high priority on their water and sewerage programme.

Is the Minister aware that Horn Head and Dunfanaghy are vitually the same place?

I am aware of the fact, and Deputy Harte obviously is not, that there is a water supply to Dunfanaghy.

Yes, but it is not sufficient to supply the needs of the people.

He is now apparently aware of it.

All we want is money to increase those services.


asked the Minister for Local Government the up-to-date position regarding the Lough Mourne regional water scheme, County Donegal.

Revised proposals for section 1 of the Lough Mourne Regional Water Supply Scheme were approved by me on the 23rd July last.


asked the Minister for Local Government the up-to-date position regarding the improvements to the water supply at Milford, County Donegal.


asked the Minister for Local Government the up-to-date position regarding the water supply at Ramelton, County Donegal.


asked the Minister for Local Government the present position regarding the sewerage scheme for Clonmany, County Donegal.

With your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos. 41, 42 and 43 together.

I have approved Donegal County Council's proposals for stages I of the Milford and Ramelton water supply scheme and also contract documents for the Clonmany sewerage scheme.


asked the Minister for Local Government the up-to-date position regarding the provision of a water supply at Cranford, County Donegal.

I understand that Donegal County Council are preparing revised contract documents for the Cranford section of the Cranford/ Carrigart/Downings water supply scheme. On the latest information available to me, however, this scheme is not regarded by the local authority as having a high priority in their water and sewerage programme.

Unless my information is incorrect the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries when he was a member of——

Has the Deputy a question to put?

I have. The Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries and the Minister's brother, the former chairman, have been agitating to have a supply provided for Cranford over the last number of years. Is the Minister aware of the integrity of those two men? Does he think they are talking through their hats?

On no, I do not. I am aware of the pressure exerted by them but the local authority do not regard this scheme as having a high priority.

You say the people of Cranford do not need water and the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries tells them he will get it for them.

He was talking through his sash.

The local authority do not regard it as having a high priority.

You tell us the Cranford people do not want water and the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries tells them he will give it to them.

He was talking through his Hibernian sash.


asked the Minister for Local Government the up-to-date position regarding the provision of water supply to Rathmullan, County Donegal.

I am informed by Donegal County Council that they have not yet acquired the necessary water rights for this scheme.


asked the Minister for Local Government the present position regarding the sewerage at Drumkeen, County Donegal.

On the latest information available to me this scheme is not regarded as having a high priority in the Council's water and sewerage programme.


asked the Minister for Local Government the present position regarding the sewerage scheme for the area of Newtowncunningham and Manorcunningham, County Donegal.


asked the Minister for Local Government the present position regarding the Dunfanaghy-Portnablagh sewerage scheme, County Donegal.

With your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos. 47 and 48 together.

On the latest information available to me the local authority do not regard any of these schemes as having a high priority in their water and sewerage programme.

Is the Minister reading correctly the information of the Donegal County Council when he says in reply to Question No. 47 that these schemes are not regarded as having a high priority in their water and sewerage programme?

Would the Minister care to take my word on it that the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries categorically and emphatically stated prior to the last General Election that he would have it for them within 12 months?

It was sewerage you asked about.

Sewerage and water. What is the difference? You cannot easily have one service without the other.

Put your nose into it and you will know.


In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply to Question No. 47, I propose to raise the matter on the Adjournment this evening.

The Deputy may be aware of the fact that you cannot have sewerage without water. The water must come first.

We will take the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries up on it tonight.
