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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 28 Nov 1968

Vol. 237 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Payment of Reconstruction Grants.


asked the Minister for Local Government when a person (name supplied) first made application for a reconstruction grant; the amount of grant allocated to him; the reason for the change in the amount allocated; the number of inspections carried out; and the reason for the delay in having the grant paid.

The grant application was received on 17th August, 1966 and five inspections were necessary since then, due to departures from the original approved schedule of works, substandard work and faulty design. A reduced grant was subsequently determined at £115 and payment was made to the applicant on 8th November, 1968. In the circumstances the delays which occurred were unavoidable.


asked the Minister for Local Government the reason for the delay in having a certificate of approval sent to Leitrim County Council for the payment of a reconstruction grant to a person (name supplied) as this delay has held up payment of the grant for many months past.

There was no delay by my Department in this case. The necessary certificate of approval was sent to the Leitrim County Council when the grant was allocated in 1961. A duplicate certificate was issued to the council on the 4th November last.
