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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 18 Nov 1969

Vol. 242 No. 7

Written Answers. - County Council Engineers' Office Assistants.


asked the Minister for Local Government the wages paid or payable to engineers' office assistants in each county council in expansion of a reply of 1st February 1968 as at 31st December 1968, 1st April 1969 and subsequently.

All county councils now apply a standard rate of wages to the grade of engineers' office assistant with the exception that certain engineers' office assistants who enjoyed higher levels of wages when the standard rate was introduced, were allowed to retain the higher rates. I have no information on the rates of wages payable on the dates mentioned in the question other than the standard rates which were as follows:

31st December, 1968—

£11×16/—£15 per week.

1st April, 1969—

£11 17 6 × 16/—£15 17 6 per week.

1st June, 1969—

£12 5 0 × 16/—£16 5 0 per week.
