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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 28 Jun 1973

Vol. 266 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Care of Elderly.


asked the Minister for Health if it is proposed to provide assessment and treatment units for elderly people at general hospitals.

Geriatric assessment treatment units have already been provided in a number of general hospitals and more are planned for other centres throughout the country.

A week or so ago I saw a statement from a leading Dublin doctor that many of our people are put into hospital 20 or 30 years before their time because of the lack of these units. People are just ill-advised or not advised at all.

The Chair is anxious to help the Deputy, but he must not make a formal statement of that kind.

Would the Minister examine that position? He may have seen the statement last week by a leading Dublin psychiatrist.

I want to reassure the Deputy that this was a matter of concern to my predecessor. Units such as those described in the Deputy's question exist, and they are being provided also in James Connolly Memorial Hospital and in St. James's Hospital. I had an informal discussion there this morning at a function. Units are also being provided at St. Mary's Hospital in Phoenix Park and in St. Finbarr's Hospital in Cork. Four further units are planned. One will be located at St. Laurence's Hospital in Dublin. Another will be at Tullamore. There will be one each in Galway, Wexford, Cavan and in the new Cork Regional Hospital. The Deputy might be interested in the unit in St. Laurence's Hospital. It is expected to be ready within the next few months.
