asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs if the position of postmaster or postmistress for the proposed sub-post office in Mervue, Galway city has been advertised; and, if not, when it is proposed to do so.
Vol. 283 No. 7
asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs if the position of postmaster or postmistress for the proposed sub-post office in Mervue, Galway city has been advertised; and, if not, when it is proposed to do so.
asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs when it is proposed to open a sub-post office in Mervue, Galway city.
asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs if a decision has been made to open a new post office at Mervue, Galway city; and, if so, when it will be advertised.
With the permission of the Ceann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos. 49, 50 and 51 together.
I have approved the establishment of a sub-post office at Mervue, Galway, and the vacancy was advertised on 26th June, 1975. I would hope that the office will be opened towards the end of August, 1975.