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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 8 Feb 1977

Vol. 296 No. 7

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefits.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare why unemployment benefit has not been paid to a person (name supplied) in County Offaly who has been signing since 15th November, 1976.

When the person concerned made a claim for unemployment benefit on 19th November, 1976, certain inquiries had to be made as to whether she fulfilled all the statutory conditions for the receipt of such benefit. These inquiries have now been completed and her claim for unemployment benefit has been allowed. Arrangements have been made to have payment of arrears of unemployment benefit made to her this week and further payments will continue as they fall due.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare why sickness benefit has not been paid to a person (details supplied) in County Offaly.

Disability benefit was not paid to the person referred to by the Deputy in respect of the period from 15th July, 1976, to 20th September, 1976, as in the opinion of a medical referee who examined him on 15th July, 1976, he was not incapable of work. The claimant appealed against the disallownce of his claim and the question was referred to an appeals officer of my Department for determination. The appeals officer's decision is expected shortly.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare why unemployment benefit has not been paid to a person (details supplied) in County Offaly who has been claiming payment since 25th November, 1976.

Unemployment benefit was paid to the person concerned at the maximum rates applicable to a married man with a wife and four dependent children up to and including 24th November, 1976. A deciding officer then disallowed his claim for a period of six weeks with effect from 25th November, 1976, on the statutory ground that he had failed or neglected to avail himself of a reasonable opportunity of obtaining suitable employment or alternatively that he had refused an offer of suitable employment. He has appealed against the deciding officer's decision and arrangements are being made for an oral hearing of his case before an appeals officer. He will be notified shortly of the place, date and time of the hearing at which it will be open to him to attend and give evidence on his own behalf.

On the expiration of the six weeks period of disqualification the claimant submitted a medical certificate on the basis of which the deciding officer again disallowed his claim to unemployment benefit with effect from 6th January, 1977, on the ground that he is incapable of work or alternatively that he is not available for employment. He has also been notified of this decision and of his right of appeal against it if he is dissatisfied.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare why unemployment benefit which is due from 26th November, 1976, has not been paid to a person (name supplied) in County Offaly.

In order to be entitled to unemployment benefit on her claim of 24th November, 1976, the person concerned would require to have at least 26 employment contributions paid or credited in respect of the 1974-75 contribution year. Her Irish insurance record showed that she had no contributions paid or credited in that year. As she stated that she had been employed in Britain in 1975 it was necessary to obtain particulars of her contribution record there from the British authorities. It is expected that this information will shortly be available and a decision will then be given on her claim for unemployment benefit without delay.
