asked the Minister for Education if he has completed his investigations into the problem of providing suitable access, including a lift, for physically handicapped students who may attend the proposed new vocational school in Ringsend, Dublin; and if he will ensure that such facilities will be provided.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Orals Answers. - Ringsend (Dublin) Vocational School Facilities.
Access for physically handicapped students at the proposed new school at Ringsend is a matter in the first instance for the City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee. On foot of a recent inquiry addressed to me on this subject, I have asked the committee to report to me in detail about the matter. This report has not yet come to hand. I shall inform the Deputy of the position when I have had an opportunity of considering the committee's report.
Handicapped people will be grateful for what the Minister has done in so far as anything has yet been done, but would he not agree that in a three-storey building a lift is an absolute necessity for students who may be handicapped?
As I do not know the detail of the planning I would not be prepared to answer that, but I will find out if a lift is necessary in the school.
Can he give me any indication as to when this report will be available to him?
I will try to hurry it up as best I can.