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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 20 Feb 1980

Vol. 318 No. 1

Written Answers. - Revenue Collection.


asked the Minister for Finance if in revenue collection, underpayments and avoidance in relation to VAT appear to be relatively higher than underpayments, the non-return of moneys collected and other frauds in the PAYE system and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Recent revenue collection experience does not indicate that underpayments and non-payment of tax due to fraud and evasion are relatively higher in relation to VAT than in relation to PAYE. It should be appreciated that, as regards any tax, non-compliance of the kind mentioned is by its very nature difficult to measure precisely. If, however, the Deputy has any specific information which would appear to indicate some cause for concern in this area I would be grateful if he would pass it on to me for investigation.
