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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 24 Mar 1983

Vol. 341 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions . Oral Answers . - County Donegal Harbour Development .


asked the Minister for Fisheries and Forestry if his Department have formulated a plan for the future development of Burtonport Harbour centre, County Donegal.


andMr. P. Gallagher asked the Minister for Fisheries and Forestry when work will commence on the dredging of Burtonport Harbour, County Donegal; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

: I propose to take Questions Nos. 24 and 25 together.

As requested by the fishermen, a development scheme for Burtonport comprising of dredging, extension of pier and the provision of a slipway has been considered. It has been decided that priority should be given to the dredging work and depending on its outcome the other works will be further examined in due course. The date of commencement of the dredging will depend on the availability of funds for the work.

: Does the Minister hope that the dredging will commence before the end of this year?

: I am not in a position to give that information at the moment. The Deputy will appreciate the uncertainty relating to marine works and the expenditure thereon.

: Could the Minister confirm that finance was made available in the Estimates prepared by the previous Government for the dredging of Burtonport Harbour?

: I cannot confirm that. There is in the 1983 Estimates a sum of £0.5 million and the expenditure of that depends on a contribution from elsewhere.

: Is the Minister for Fisheries referring to Roinn na Gaeltachta or Donegal County Council?

: I am referring to Roinn na Gaeltachta.

: Now that the Minister can wear both hats could I ask him in his capacity as Minister for Fisheries and Minister for the Gaeltacht, if Roinn na Gaeltachta make moneys available will the Department of Fisheries follow suit?

: The Deputy should put down that question under my other hat and I will answer it for him.

: The Minister knows well the answer.


asked the Minister for Fisheries and Forestry if his Department have formulated a plan for the further development of Killybegs Harbour centre, County Donegal.

: It is envisaged that future development of Killybegs Fishery Harbour Centre will provide accommodation for additional berthage and for the storage of fishing gear and nets in the area between Kelly's Quay and the Blackrock berthage as well as additional landing accommodation in the area east of the new landing pier. Specific plans for these works have yet to be drawn up and considered. The availability of funds will, of course, be a consideration in regard to the time scale for the execution of the works mentioned.

: How many more berths does the Minister hope to provide in Killybegs?

: As I said, specific plans for these works have yet to be submitted to me, so I am not in a position to give that information.


asked the Minister for Fisheries and Forestry when work will commence on the pier at Port, Inver, County Donegal.

: A scheme for development work on the pier at Port, Inver, County Donegal has been approved. The date of commencement of the work will depend on the availability of the necessary finance and I am not yet in a position to indicate an approximate date.

: In view of the fact that it is such a small port and very little finance will be available, could the Minister give us a commitment that he will make it available out of the £0.5 million which is in the Estimate this year for these works?

: I am afraid I cannot give that commitment. As the Deputy said, the total cost involved is not substantial but, as he must be aware, money is a very scarce commodity at the moment.
