asked the Minister for the Environment if the house of a person (details supplied) in County Monaghan was inspected on two occasions and if it was recommended on the second inspection that a grant should be paid; and, if so, the reason a grant has not been paid in this case.
Written Answers. - Grant Payments.
The grant approved in this case was in respect of the provision of an extra bedroom for the relief of overcrowding and the application was refused when, following receipt of notification of the completion of work, the Department's inspector reported that the room was not being used as a bedroom. However, following further consideration of the outcome of a second inspection carried out in this case payment of a grant was made on 17 June 1983.
Mr. Leonard
asked the Minister for the Environment if he has any proposals to widen the scope of and increase the level of house improvement grants.
Mr. Leonard
asked the Minister for the Environment if he will approve house improvement grants in cases where work has already commenced and where essential services i.e. bathroom, water, sewerage are being provided in homes which do not have such services.
I propose to take Questions Nos. 246 and 247 together.
While the house improvement grants scheme is kept under continuous review, changes in its scope and in the amounts of the grants are not contemplated at present.
Neither is it proposed to relax in any case the requirement that the relevant work must not be commenced before an inspection is carried out by the Department's inspector.