asked the Minister for Industry and Energy if he will ensure that the IDA will assist the potential new owners of a company (details supplied) in County Waterford at present in receiversship, to purchase units 7 and 8 in the Water Ford Industrial Estate as the production equipment, moulds etc. are the currently in these units; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - County Waterford Company.
From the time that this company went into receivership the IDA have been continuously endeavouring, in conjunction with the receiver, to find a suitable purchaser for the assets so that production and employment could be resumed. To that end, discussions took place with two separate groups. In that event, however, neither of these groups, for reasons beyond their control and that of the IDA, were able to maintain their interest in acquiring the assets. A third group of potential purchasers have recently been contacted and, in this case, it is expected that detailed discussions will take place shortly.