asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs whether he will, as a general policy in applying systems of numbered postal districts, have regard to their convenience from the point of view of the persons who address envelopes to these districts; and in this spirit, if he will adopt a general policy of treating all substantial built-up areas as belonging to the same postal area, for purposes of subdivision into numbered districts, irrespective of which local government administration boundaries may be straddled by such built-up areas.
Written Answers. - Numbered Postal Districts.
I have no reason to think that the present system of numbering postal districts, which has been in operation since 1961, is inconvenient to the persons mentioned. For control and operational purposes delivery areas are attached to particular head post office districts or to the Dublin postal district, which do not necessarily coincide with local authority administration boundaries. It would be undesirable to deviate from this arrangement, which is longestablished and has served the postal service well, unless there were clear advantages to be gained from the postal viewpoint, and there is no evidence to this effect. I would be reluctant, therefore, to adopt the Deputy's suggestions as general policy but if he gives me details of any particular instances he may have in mind of the postal district numbering scheme being inconvenient to some users of the post, I will have them examined and communicate further with him.