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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 29 Nov 1983

Vol. 346 No. 3

Written Answers. - Income Tax Refunds.


asked the Minister for Finance when a refund of income tax will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Cork.

I understand that the inspector of taxes has carried out a review of the income tax liability in this case for the year 1982-83. The review, details of which will be issued to the taxpayer shortly, shows that there is no refund of tax due for that year. It is understood that no tax is being deducted from the taxpayer's pension in the current year, 1983-84.


asked the Minister for Finance when an income tax rebate, claimed last January, will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Dublin as he is in urgent need of the rebate.

I have been advised by the Revenue Commissioners that the serial number supplied does not belong to the taxpayer referred to in the question and they are unable to trace him in their records. If the name of the taxpayer's employer and the correct serial number are supplied, the matter will be examined.


asked the Minister for Finance the amount of tax paid by farmers in 1980, 1981, 1982 and 1983; and the cost of collecting these taxes.

Income tax on farming profits is collected with Schedule D tax generally. Accordingly, separate figures are not available for tax on farming profits. However, the following are the estimated amounts of income tax in respect of farming profits paid by farmers in each of the years mentioned:


Income Tax










(1983 budget estimate)

It is not possible to isolate the cost of collecting tax on farming profits from the overall cost of the administration of taxation as a whole. For the year 1981, the latest year for which statistics are available, the cost of administering Inland Revenue duties is estimated at 1.9 per cent of the net receipts of those duties (£2,150.0 million) in that year.


asked the Minister for Finance the travelling expenses incurred by him, his Minister of State, and the other officials of his Department, in 1983 to date.

The net cost to my Office in 1983 to date in respect of travelling and subsistence expenses incurred by me, my Minister of State and other officials in my Department is £100,577.
