asked the Minister for Defence whether the majority of small arms in service with the PDF are worn out and in need of replacement; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
31. D'fhiafraigh
Vol. 369 No. 5
asked the Minister for Defence whether the majority of small arms in service with the PDF are worn out and in need of replacement; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
31. D'fhiafraigh
den Aire Cosanta an léireoidh sé an cás i láthair na huaire faoi airm nua a sholáthar do na Fórsaí Costanta.
asked the Minister for Defence the reason for the delay in providing a replacement weapon for the 7.62 m.m. calibre small arms; when this will be done; and the approximate cost of replacement.
Tá sé ar intinn agam Ceist Uimhir 14, Ceist Uimhir 31, agus Ceist Uimhir 87, a thógaint le chéile. Fé réir an méid airgid a leagtar amach gach bhliain ins an Vóta Cosanta in aghaidh trealamh cosanta, tá clár leanúnach ar mo Roinn-se chun airm nua-aimseartha a sholáthar do na Fórsaí Cosanta. Cuirtear feabhas ar threalamh áirithe, más riachtanach, chun go mbeidh ar chumas na bhFórsaí Cosanta a ndualgaisí a chomhlíonadh.
Small arms weapons used by the Permanent Defence Force are maintained and repaired to prescribed standards in order to ensure that they are available in fully serviceable condition. Consideration is being given at present to the replacement of the 7.62 mm rifle. A process of evaluation of alternative weapons has been in progress and will continue into 1987 in order to establish fully which one would be the most suitable. It is not possible to indicate at this stage when arrangements will be completed for the purchase of whichever weapon may be selected. It is not the practice of my Department to disclose details regarding the cost of equipment.
Ceist amháin——
The Deputy is being most unfair to his colleagues. There are five questions down and the Deputy has used ten minutes for two of them.
Ceist amháin.
Are you being fair to other Deputies?
32. D'fhiafraigh
d'Aire na Seirbhíse Poiblí cén dul chun cinn atá déanta ag a Roinn maidir le comhráití nó leasuithe ar Scéim Réitigh agus Eadrána na Státseirbhíse nó an bhfuil polasaí an Rialtais sna blianta 1984-85, sa ghnó seo, fós ag gníomhú.
Rinne an comhaontú i dtaobh an 25ú dreas phá leis na ceardchumainn Státseirbhíse soláthar le haghaidh cainteanna faoi athruithe ar an Scéim Réitigh agus Eadrána. Is le deanaí a críochnaíodh an dreas don Státseirbhís nuair a cuireadh i bhfeidhm breith eadrána a mhol go gcuirfí i gcrích an comhaontú pá do ghráid chléireachais. Tá sé ar intinn mar sin dul i dteagmháil go lua leis na hionadaithe fóirne faoi athruithe ar an scéim. Níl aon athrú ar pholasaí an Rialtais i dtaobh an ábhair seo.
An bhfuil sé ar intinn ag an Aire teacht ar réiteach faoin scéim seo roimh an chéad babhta eile pá.
Yes. The discussions can now take place. Essentially we are waiting until the 25th round has been completed. I hope these discussions will proceed and that a result will be available reasonably soon. I cannot guarantee the outcome of these discussions and how long they will take.
An dtabharfaidh an tAire na socruithe atá déanta os comhair an Tí?
There has been no change in Government policy at the moment. As I said, the 25th round agreement provides for the holding of these discussions. Since the round has just recently been finalised it is now proposed to hold discussions with the staff representatives. Therefore, it is premature to talk about the outcome of these discussions.