asked the Minister for Finance the plans the Ordnance Survey Office has to produce small scale maps (1:50,000) covering the State; when it is proposed that such maps would be printed; if he is satisfied that the Ordnance Survey Office has sufficient staff to produce such maps; if it is intended to provide additional staff and resources; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - Small Scale Ordnance Maps.
I am advised by the Director of Ordnance Survey that there are no plans to produce a 1:500,000 map series for the State at this time as their production is not a first priority. The main priority is the resurvey and revision of the large scale mapping archive (resurvey of urban areas at 1:1,000 scale and revision of rural maps at 1:2,500 scale).
Current policy in relation to staff recruitment does not provide for additional staffing to be made available for tasks which are not top priority.