asked the Minister for Finance (1) the total cost of the new Garda barracks in Kanturk, County Cork; (2) the amount of money approved for the extension to the Garda barracks in Milford, Charleville, County Cork; and (3) the amount spent on the barracks in Meelin, Newmarket, County Cork.
Written Answers. - Cost of Garda Barracks.
1. The scheme at Kanturk included the provision of a Garda station, a residence and a rural automatic telephone exchange and cost £185,821. Separate figures are not available in respect of the Garda station. 2. A new Garda station and residence are being erected at present in Milford. They are due to be completed at the end of November at an estimated final cost of £94,000 approx. 3. A scheme of alteration and improvement works was carried out earlier this year at Meelin Garda station. Total expenditure came to £8,360.