asked the Minister for Justice the up-to-date position regarding any fresh recruitment for the Garda Síochána; when it is expected that there will be an advertisement and processing of new applications for termination of the existing panel for recruitment purposes; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - Garda Recruitment.
In reply to a Parliamentary Question on 22 October 1986 I indicated that the next intake of Garda recruits is planned to take place, from the current list of qualified candidates, in December next.
As regards a new recruitment competition, I indicated in reply to a Parliamentary Question on 2 July last, that the standards and requirements for admission to the Force are at present under review with a view to introducing certain changes. Pending completion of this review I am not in a position to indicate precisely when that competition will be held. However, I expect shortly to be in a position to make an announcement about the details of a new recruitment competition.