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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 18 Dec 1986

Vol. 370 No. 15

Written Answers. - County Limerick Drainage Works.


asked the Minister for Finance if he will make a statement on whether the Office of Public Works are prepared to drain a channel serving holdings in the Coolasmuttane, Charleville area, serving a person (details supplied) and others, bearing in mind the assurance given at a public meeting in Ballyagran by the Minister of State, that this channel would be drained; and if he will now make a public statement as to the intentions of the Office of Public Works on this matter as of now.

Drainage of the channel in question was excluded from the Maigue catchment drainage scheme on economic grounds. The Minister of State, Deputy Avril Doyle, did not give any assurance that the channel would be drained but indicated publicly, last summer, that requests for additional drainage works would be reconsidered. The position in regard to this particular channel remains unaltered, that is, its drainage still cannot be justified on economic grounds.
