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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 18 Nov 1987

Vol. 375 No. 5

Written Answers. - County Tipperary Drainage Scheme.


asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if he has satisfied himself regarding the decision of his Department not to honour commitments given to members of the Ballyfinboy Drainage Committee, Borrisokane, County Tipperary that his Department would agree to act as consultant engineers for that scheme; and the reason for his Department's decision to pursue legal opinion in the case; the nature and numbers of legal opinion received and rejected; if the evidence of local Department officials directly involved with the Ballyfinboy committee had been sought and supplied when legal opinion was sought; and if his attention has been drawn to the fact that members of that committee will be forced to seek redress and compensation through the courts despite his Department's prior agreement to act as consultants; and if he will make a statement on the matter.


asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if his Department will now honour commitments given by officials to underwrite the full cost of any rock uncovered during work on a drainage scheme at Ballyfinboy, Borrisokane, County Tipperary for which his Department agreed to act as consultant and design engineers; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 66 and 67 together.

In accordance with normal practice under the farm modernisation scheme, costs arising from excavation of rock encountered over and above the quantity included in any original estimate are taken into account for grant purposes on a standard basis. I am advised that this procedure was followed for the Ballyfinboy drainage project. I am also advised that officials of my Department did not undertake to pay the full cost of excavating the additional rock encountered and that they did not at any time agree to act as consulting engineers to the project.

The Deputy will appreciate that matters relating to any legal opinion sought by my Department in relation to this project are confidential.

According to the advice available to me, my Department have honoured in full their commitment on the payment of grant aid in respect of this project, apart from a small sum which has been retained pending satisfactory completion of the project.
