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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 9 Nov 1989

Vol. 392 No. 9

Written Answers. - Land Transfer.


asked the Minister for Justice the reason for the delay in the processing of a land transfer in the case of a person (details supplied) in County Cork by the Land Registry; and when the transfer will be completed.

I am informed by the Registrar of Titles that this is an application for first registration based on possession, which was lodged in the Land Registry on 12 October, 1988. Due to the legal complexities involved, there is a delay of approximately 18 months at present in dealing with applications of this nature. I am informed, however, that it is the policy of the Land Registry to try, as far as possible, to expedite cases in which it can be established that special circumstances of urgency exist. I understand that this has been established in the case in question and that it is due to be finalised within the next two weeks.
