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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 7 Dec 1989

Vol. 394 No. 3

Written Answers. - Civil Legal Aid Scheme.


asked the Minister for Justice the number of persons who avail of the civil legal aid scheme in (a) 1987, (b) 1988 and (c) to date in 1989.

The statistical information sought is currently in the process of being compiled. As soon as the figures are available I will forward them to the Deputy.


asked the Minister for Justice the number of persons awaiting sanction for the civil legal aid scheme in Cork city and county.

I am informed by the Legal Aid Board that statistics are not available as to the number of applicants for legal aid in Cork city and county awaiting initial appointments with solicitors at the board's law centres in Cork but it is estimated that there are, approximately, 400 such persons.

There is no waiting period for emergency cases i.e. those cases which in the opinion of the board merit immediate access to a court and would involve, typically cases of violence, sexual abuse and cases where there is a risk of removal of children from the jurisdiction. These cases are dealt with as and when they arise.
