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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 10 Jul 1990

Vol. 401 No. 4

Written Answers. - Hauliers' Certificates of Competence.

Edward Nealon


264 Mr. Nealon asked the Minister for Transport and Tourism if his attention has been drawn to the fact that certificates of competence received in other EC countries are not being accepted by his Department for the purpose of granting international hauliers' licences under Irish legislation; if similar restrictions are exercised in any other EC country; if this practice is being reviewed by his Department; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Each member state has its own competent authority for the purpose of implementing the relevant EC Directives and national legislation on the grant of certificates of competence. That competent authority has power to designate whatever body or bodies it deems suitable to conduct courses leading to examinations for certificates of competence.

A problem arose recently in relation to the non-recognition by my Department of certificates of competence issued by the body designated by the United Kingdom authorities to Irish hauliers who passed the relevant examinations approved by that body while permanently resident in this country.

As the competent authority in this country, I have designated the Chartered Institute of Transport in Ireland as the body to conduct courses leading to examinations for certificates of competence.
Where a resident of another member state wishes to establish as a haulier in this country, I am required by an EC Directive on Mutual Recognition to recognise a certificate of competence awarded to that haulier by the competent authority of that member state. I am not prepared, however, to recognise certificates of competence issued to Irish hauliers permanently resident in this country by a body which has not been designated by me for this purpose.