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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 12 Jul 1990

Vol. 401 No. 6

Written Answers. - Admission to Hospital.

Gay Mitchell


193 Mr. G. Mitchell asked the Minister for Health if he will ensure that a person (details supplied) in Dublin 12 who has both cancer and a mental condition is admitted to St. James' Hospital, Dublin 8 or a similar general hospital and not St. Lomans, Dublin 20, as has been suggested.

The admission of a patient to hospital is a matter for the patient's doctor or consultant and the hospital authority concerned.

I understand from inquiries made that this patient is attending St. Luke's Hospital on an outpatient basis, but is not obtaining active treatment at the moment. A further appointment has been arranged for the patient for 19 July 1990, at which stage the case will be reviewed by the consultant. Should admission to hospital be required then it would be a matter for the consultant to refer the patient to an appropriate hospital for treatment.
