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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 12 Feb 1991

Vol. 404 No. 9

Written Answers. - Cork Schools Non-Teaching Staff.

Bernard Allen


228 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Education if she will outline the schools in Cork city who (1) have clerical assistants and (2) have applied and have not received one to date.

Bernard Allen


229 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Education if she will outline the schools in Cork city who (1) have school caretakers and (2) have applied for caretakers and have not received one to date.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 228 and 229 together.

My Department's record do not contain the information requested by the Deputy.

Under the Programme for Economic and Social Progress, it is proposed to introduce a phased programme commencing in 1992 to expand the provision for caretaking and clerical services to primary and second-level schools.
