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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 19 Feb 1991

Vol. 405 No. 3

Written Answers. - Higher Education Grants Expenditure.

Edward Nealon


315 Mr. Nealon asked the Minister for Education if her attention has been drawn to the fact that the failure of her Department to recoup Sligo County Council's expenditure on higher education grants on a more regular basis results in the council paying interest on overdrafts of £60,000 a year for her Department, and that this must be passed on by the council in the form of extra charges.

Payments to the local authorities are made at the earliest possible date following receipt of application for payment.

Sligo County Council's application for recoupment in respect of its expenditure in 1990 was received in my Department on 10 January 1991 and payment was made on 15 January 1991.
