As the Minister is aware everyone has agreed that this Bill is non-controversial but when I spoke earlier I raised some controversial issues, in particular the publication of reports by the existing Bord Scoláireachtaí Comhalairte, the Scholarship Exchange Board. The last report received by the Library of this House was the report for 1983. I presume therefore that that was the last report issued by them. I do not blame the academic staff in the Scholarship Exchange Board for this as they have done an excellent job. However there has been a number of Ministers for Foreign Affairs since 1983 and I must pose the question of whether any of them inquired if the board ever issued a report or if they even cared. Indeed, did they even care that this board existed because it seems that the board has been defunct for many years? It is extraordinary that no Minister has asked why there has been no report for seven or eight years. It is stated in this Bill that the board must report annually but who is going to care whether they will report?
I stated earlier that as this is an educational matter and so should be the function of the Minister for Education. The Minister for Foreign Affairs does not give a damn as to whether the board exists. However, the Minister for Education should be very concerned because of the benefits to be gained from an exchange of ideas which is of vital importance to the educational sector. I do not know the reason the scheme is of importance to the Department of Foreign Affairs — perhaps an element of goodwill is involved — but it appears that the earlier fund was set up as a tribute to Senator Fulbright. It presented a useful way to Senators or those who wished to have themselves commemorated by way of a scholarship to stash away some American dollars tax free. There is nothing wrong with that. It might be an excellent idea if the new commission tout around the United States asking people to avail of an opportunity to have themselves remembered for life or commemorated by way of a scholarship by giving them 100,000 dollars.