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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 7 Apr 1992

Vol. 418 No. 4

Written Answers. - Life Sentenced Prisoners Release Criteria.

Ivor Callely


102 Mr. Callely asked the Minister for Justice if he will outline the general criteria which apply to life sentenced prisoners for possible release; if he has satisfied himself with these criteria; whether he has received any submissions to warrant the review of the general criteria; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

In December 1989 a non-statutory body called the Sentence Review Group was set up. This group has the task of advising the Minister for Justice on the administration of long term prison sentences including life sentences (but excluding the case of offenders serving sentences for capital murder). Any offender who has served more than seven years of a current sentence may have his case considered by the group.

The group review individual cases by reference to well-established criteria including assessment of whether a release would constitute a threat to the community and whether it would be reasonable to grant a release at a particular stage in view of the crime committed, the offender's previous criminal record and any compassionate grounds which warrant special consideration.

I am satisfied that the criteria used accord with international practice and are broad enough to enable a full evaluation to be made of the cases which come before the Sentence Review Group. The final decision in each case, however, rests with me.