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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 20 Oct 1993

Vol. 434 No. 9

Written Answers. - Road Improvement Works.

Michael Creed


24 Mr. Creed asked the Minister for the Environment if he will give, in order of priority, the improvement works, including by-passes which he proposes to carry out on the N22 roadway; and the timeframe involved for these works.

Major improvement works are currently in progress on two sections of the N22. Earthworks and general preliminaries are well underway on the realignment of approximately 6km of roadway between Ballyvourney and the Kerry county boundary. This scheme will cost an estimated £7.58 million and is expected to be completed in 1995. Works are also well advanced on the Minish-Curraglass scheme in County Kerry. At present, resurfacing work is being carried out from Curraglass to Garries Bridge and work on the provision of a new bridge over the River Flesk at Killaha is in progress. The entire project is due for completion by 1995 at an estimated cost of £12 million.

The carrying out of further major improvement works on the route in the period up to 1999 will be considered in the preparation of the relevant operational programme under the National Development Plan.
