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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 26 Jan 1994

Vol. 437 No. 6

Written Answers. - Departmental Employees.

Eamon Gilmore


244 Mr. Gilmore asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he will give a list of names of persons, other than those in the permanent civil service, who currently hold positions in his Department, Ministerial office, or the office of each Minister of State; the nature of the appointment; and the current salary payable.

Other than those in the permanent Civil Service, the following persons are employed in my office and that of the Minister of State at my Department, Ms Joan Burton, TD, in the positions shown:

Minister: Personal secretary, Linda Lynch; Personal Assistant, Kealan Flynn.

Minister of State: Personal secretary, Conall McDevitt; personal assistant, Dorothy Hayden; special advisers to the Minister of State — this job is filled on a shared basis, Ita Mangan and Caroline McCamley.

The remuneration of these staff is in accordance with standard rates determined by the Department of Finance.