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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 26 Jan 1994

Vol. 437 No. 6

Written Answers. - Artificial Limbs for Handicapped Children.

Eamon Gilmore


536 Mr. Gilmore asked the Minister for Health if he has received any requests from parents who are seeking the provision of State funding for artificial limbs for their handicapped children; and if he has given any consideration to the possibility of extending the free provision of artificial limbs to all children who need them.

There is no record in my Department of requests from parents for funding towards the cost of artificial limbs for their handicapped children. Artificial limbs, where required, are supplied free of charge to medical card holders. In the case of persons with limited eligibility, health boards may provide assistance towards the cost of prescribed appliances. If the Deputy wishes to give me details of specific problems encountered by parents in this regard, I will have the issue examined by my officials.
