Pat Upton
Question:93 Dr. Upton asked the Minister for Education the plans, if any, she has to employ more educational psychologists in her Department. [4657/95]
Vol. 449 No. 8
93 Dr. Upton asked the Minister for Education the plans, if any, she has to employ more educational psychologists in her Department. [4657/95]
94 Dr. Upton asked the Minister for Education if she will increase the level of educational services provided for primary school in the south inner city in Dublin. [4658/95]
I propose to take Questions Nos. 93 and 94 together.
As far as educational psychologists are concerned, the position is that eight additional psychologists commenced employment in my Department on 20 February 1995. It is expected that a further two psychologists will take up appointment in the very near future.
The needs of schools in the south inner city of Dublin will be taken into account when assignments are being made. Priority will be given to schools serving disadvantaged areas. The provision of a psychological service in the south inner city of Dublin, and elsewhere, has had to await completion of the recruitment process for the eight psychologists mentioned above. However, it is intended to begin to develop a service in the south inner city of Dublin immediately after Easter.