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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 12 Nov 1996

Vol. 471 No. 4

Written Answers - Facilities for Students with Disabilities.

Mary Wallace


161 Miss M. Wallace asked the Minister for Education whether she will support in principle the creation of a college link bus service for students with disabilities which would serve UCD, DCU and Dublin based colleges; and, if so, the role, if any, her Department will have in the provision of such a service. [20762/96]

At present the school transport schemes operated by my Department extend only to students in the primary and post primary sectors. Approximately 8,500 children with disabilities are carried daily on a national network of special school bus services involving 450 vehicles.

The issue of transport for disabled students attending third level institutions was not raised in any of the recent submission to the school transport review committee which was set up earlier this year. There are no plans at present to establish a college bus link along the lines suggested by the Deputy.

In 1994 I set up a discretionary budget from which an allocation is made each year to a special fund for students with disabilities. I also established an advisory committee under the chairmanship of Professor John Kelly, UCD, to advise on the allocation of the fund. Applications are invited in October each year through the third level institutions. Students with disabilities who are experiencing transport difficulties may apply for funding towards their travel costs.

Mary Wallace


162 Miss M. Wallace asked the Minister for Education the steps, if any, which have been and will be taken to ensure that appropriate housing facilities are provided for students with disabilities both on and off campus. [20764/96]

Student housing has been provided on a self-financing basis by a number of third level institutions. These facilities are also available to students with disabilities.

The whole issue of access to third level education is being considered in the context of the report to the Higher Education Authority of the committee on access and participation of students with disabilities in higher education. There are no plans at present to provide student housing with Exchequer funds. However, I welcome the initiatives being taken by the institutions and the private sector in the provision of student housing.

Mary Wallace


163 Miss M. Wallace asked the Minister for Education if her attention has been drawn to the existence of a pre-university transition course for students with disabilities in the National Training and Development Institute; if so, whether she supports this course; and whether the future of this course is secure. [20765/96]

The matter raised by the Deputy is being considered by my Department and I will advise the Deputy of the outcome as soon as possible.
