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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 12 Nov 1997

Vol. 482 No. 6

Written Answers. - Non-Commercial Agencies.

Richard Bruton


69 Mr. R. Bruton asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment when annual reports were most recently published for each non-commercial agency under the aegis of her Department; when annual accounts were most recently published by these bodies; whether they are subject to outside scrutiny by the Comptroller and Auditor General or another independent audit body; whether the public have a right to see a register of members interests in relation to these bodies; whether they allow members of the public attend their meetings; whether board papers or minutes are available for public inspection where matters of commercial or legal confidentiality are not involved; whether there is a procedure specifying the circumstances in which she may direct these bodies; and whether they are free to publish advice relevant to the public without recourse to her. [18937/97]

The Deputy's question falls into eight sections and the replies are as follows:

Annual Report and Accounts

Annual reports and Accounts for 1996 were published in June and July 1997 by IDA Ireland and Forfás, respectively, and in September 1997 by Forbairt, SFADCo and An Bord Tráchtála.
The Health and Safety Authority published its annual report for 1996 in September 1997 and its accounts for 1994 in November 1996.
Annual reports and accounts for 1995 were published by FÁS in December 1996.
Annual Reports and Accounts for 1994 were published by Nitrigin Éireann Teo in September 1994.
The National Standards Authority of Ireland was established only this year.
Audit Procedure
All the agencies, with the exception of Nitrigin Éireann Teo, which is subject to independent audit, are subject to audit by the Comptroller and Auditor-General.
Declaration of Interests
All the agencies adhere to Department of Finance guidelines relating to declaration of interests by board members, under which access to the register of interests is restricted to the Chairman, Secretary and Chief Executive.
Attendance at Board Meetings
None of the agencies allow the public to attend board meetings.
Inspection of Board Papers
None of the agencies allow public inspection of board papers or minutes.
Issue of Directions
All the agencies operate under statutory provisions which specify the circumstances in which the Minister may issue directions to them or seek information.
Publication of Advice
All of the agencies are free to publish advice relevant to the public without recourse to the Minister, subject only to their governing statutes and Government policy.