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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 18 Nov 1997

Vol. 482 No. 8

Written Answers. - Grant Payments.

Emmet Stagg


256 Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation the reason for the undue delay in providing funds to County Kildare Vocational Education Committee under the special projects provisions scheme to enable grants to be paid to clubs and organisations; the date on which the funds will issue; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19309/97]

My Department has recently received proposals from County Kildare Vocational Education Committee in respect of special projects for 1997 and I am pleased to inform the Deputy that payment of the 1997 special projects grants to County Kildare vocational education committee is now under way.

Bernard Allen


257 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation when a decision will be made in relation to the application made by the local drugs task force in Cork; and the finance, if any, which is available in this regard. [19513/97]

As the Deputy will be aware, funding of £10 million has been set aside to support the implementation of action plans prepared by 13 local drugs task forces, including the one in Cork.

The National Drugs Strategy Team is currently finalising its recommendations to Government on funding and it is hoped that these proposals will go to Government in the near future.
