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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 17 Dec 1997

Vol. 485 No. 3

Other Questions. - International Peacekeeping.

Denis Naughten


15 Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Defence his views on Ireland's involvement in international peacekeeping. [15177/97]

Ireland has a long tradition of supporting United Nations peacekeeping operations and has been involved in international peacekeeping since 1958. Irish military personnel have built up a considerable reputation as peacekeepers having contributed to more than 30 UN missions. As a small country we can be proud of our peacekeeping record. The Defence Forces also contribute to peacekeeping operations under the auspices of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe and the EU. Sadly, however, our involvement has not been without its costs as there have been 75 fatalities involving members of the Defence Forces while on peacekeeping duties.

Ireland was among 81 countries which supplied troops for UN missions in 1996 and of these countries Ireland was 17th highest in terms of the number of troops contributed. A total of 735 military personnel is currently serving with ten UN missions. Taking all missions and assignments into account the total number currently serving overseas is 758. It can be said with pride that Ireland continues to build on a long tradition of service to the founding principles of the UN by making practical commitments of personnel on a continuing basis — proportionately, far beyond its size.

As well as the extensive involvement of Irish military personnel in UN peacekeeping operations, a number of senior military officers have, down the years, served with distinction in senior appointments in UN missions. Currently Major General David Stapleton is serving as Force Commander of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force in Syria. These appointments bring prestige and honour not only to the Defence Forces but to the country as a whole.

The Defence Forces derive considerable benefits from participation in international peacekeeping missions. In so far as experience and training are concerned, the professional advantages gained in such missions are very substantial.

Down the years the making available of contingents for overseas service has been made possible by drawing small numbers of personnel from units throughout the commands. The level of overseas participation is, however, kept under continual review in order to ensure that security needs at home can be met at all times and that the cost to the Defence Vote does not become excessive. In this latter regard it must be borne in mind that certain peacekeeping missions are now conducted on the basis of contributing countries bearing their own mission costs.

The concept of standby forces for UN peacekeeping missions has been in the course of development since 1990. This system is intended to enhance the United Nations' capacity for rapid response to emergency situations. I am happy to say that it has been decided that the Defence Forces will participate in this system, known as the United Nations Stand-by Arrangements System. Participation in UNSAS would not entail the commitment of additional personnel for UN service over and above the numbers which obtained during Ireland's participation in UN service in Somalia, i.e. 850 military personnel. There would be no obligation to participate in any particular mission and, as at present, Dáil approval would be required for the dispatch of a contingent to a specific operation. Our decision to participate in UNSAS is a tangible expression of Ireland's continuing commitment to involvement in peacekeeping operations.

Ireland is currently contributing to SFOR, the NATO-led Stabilisation Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This mission operates under a United Nations Security Council mandate. A significant factor is that our involvement in this mission reflects the importance of staying in the mainstream of peacekeeping at a time when the UN is increasingly turning to regional solutions in troubled areas.

Defence Forces participation in peacekeeping missions involves major operational taskings and a heavy financial commitment. It is my policy to ensure that the Defence Forces are adequately trained, equipped and resourced to continue in this very important role of peacekeeping under the auspices of the UN. Overall, international participation by the Defence Forces in peacekeeping missions has had considerable benefits and has been a positive element in our relations with other countries

I think it was Shaw who said that peace is not only better than war but infinitely more arduous. Therefore, in terms of our armed forces being involved in peacekeeping missions, there is much preparation to be done and resources given to them. In that context is the Minister still planning to prepare a White Paper on defence in which this issue of our involvement in peacekeeping will be dealt with? Will the Minister be recommending involvement in Partnership for Peace? Is the Minister concerned about the short gaps between tours of duty abroad? I gather there have been problems in getting volunteers as some people have done quite a number of tours of duty. For example, if 60 replacement military police are required for the SFOR mission in Bosnia, I understand there are already too few at home? Are there now logistical problems in terms of numbers to fulfil our international peacekeeping commitments and obligations? Obviously it is a very important opportunity for the members of the Defence Forces. It helps morale, and we have heard that morale is poor lately. In view of those facts, what action will the Minister be taking to ensure that we can continue to contribute to peacekeeping at an international level?

The first way to address it is to ensure that we have constant recruitment. Part of the problem is that we sometimes have difficulty in recruiting sufficient numbers to meet our mandate once the Dáil has decided. Members are required to serve for many missions and thankfully there have been a great number in the Defence Forces who have been prepared to make the sacrifice of serving away from home on a continual basis. At present some are volunteering for consecutive six month assignments. We must recruit young people into the Army in sufficient numbers to ensure that the demand for repeat service will not be as acute as it has been in the past. We have to take every situation as we find it and to have regard for security needs at home, overall financial limits and so on. We have a proud history of involvement in the UN, being 17th highest in terms of the overall number of troops serving, and there is no going back on that.

Many countries view the Partnership For Peace as a waiting room before joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. This is not something of which the Government is in favour or in which it will be involved. We deal with each case on its merits and we get a mandate from the Dáil. Given the size of the country our participation in many difficult areas has been extraordinarily widespread. Despite the loss of 75 men in the service of the United Nations, it is important when advocating membership of the Partnership For Peace to bear in mind that our involvement in peacekeeping missions has been greatly enhanced by our neutrality and the fact that we do not carry colonial or other baggage. It is also important to take into account the safety of the men and women who serve in the Defence Forces. That is our absolute position.

Written Answers follow Adjournment Debate.
