Written Answers. - Mental Handicap Services.
Liam Lawlor
Mr. Lawlor
asked the
Minister for Health and Children
if he will act immediately to assist parents of seriously handicapped children under two years of age who were approved for entitlement to domicilary care allowance in 1999 but who are encountering difficulties with the various health boards on the matter; and if he will confirm that this entitlement extends to parents of all handicapped children under two which was the logical inference of last year's statement.
Jim O'Keeffe
Mr. J. O'Keeffe
asked the
Minister for Health and Children
the reason parents of children under two years of age who are applying for domicilary care allowance are being told that their children will not be eligible until they reach two years of age; and if he will ensure that the amendments made in 1999 to include children under two years of age are immediately implemented.
Jim O'Keeffe
Mr. J. O'Keeffe
asked the
Minister for Health and Children
if the parents of a severely developmentally delayed child can obtain the domicilary care allowance immediately after birth; if a six month waiting period for eligible children is still in operation; and, if so, the reason, particularly in cases where the medical evidence is clear.
I propose to take Questions Nos. 176 to 178, inclusive, together.
My predecessor, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Deputy Cowen, announced on budget day last that additional funding would be made available from 1 January 2000 to support the application of the domicilary care allowance scheme introduced by way of Circular No. 24/73, dated 23 September 1973, to eligible children under two years of age. This modification was notified to the health boards on 8 December 1999 and again on 10 January 2000. I am informed that all health boards have indicated that the domicilary care allowance scheme, including the 1999 modification, is being implemented.
The modification was confined to the age eligibility criterion only. Other criteria, as outlined in Circular No. 24/73, have not been altered. It should be noted that the circular also points out,inter alia, that
The fact that a severe handicap is present does not automatically justify the payment of an allowance. It is not intended that the scheme should apply to short-term illnesses or disabilities – the handicap must be present at the time of application, have been present for at least six months prior to that date, and be likely to continue to last for at least a year. It is not visualised that any particular condition should be debarred from consideration – each case can be considered on its merits.
I am assured that the health boards consider each case on its merits. If the Deputies have specific instances where this has not occurred, then I will, following receipt of such information, bring it to the attention of the relevant chief executive officer.