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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 7 Mar 2000

Vol. 515 No. 6

Written Answers. - Health Action Plan.

Rory O'Hanlon


169 Dr. O'Hanlon asked the Minister for Health and Children the new initiatives, if any, he will take to address the issues raised in the report, Health Behaviour of School Pupils, in the Eastern Health Board area; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [6636/00]

The report referred to by the Deputy highlighted a number of issues in relation to the health of young people in the Eastern Health Board area ranging from substance use to physical activity and oral health. The health promotion unit of my Department has developed a number of initiatives aimed at schoolgoing children in a range of settings and covering a range of topics.

The general health and physical well-being of children is promoted through programmes such as social, personal and health education in schools and being well in the community.

Smoking, alcohol misuse and substance use are addressed in the school, community and youth group setting through the substance abuse prevention programme; regional programmes such as smokebusters and the teaching everyone about cancer and health – TEACH – programme; the youth work support pack for dealing with the drugs issue; knowledge is power; drink awareness for everyone; drugs questions, local answers and the family, communication and self-esteem programme. Regional drugs co-ordinators have also been put in place within each health board with the specific task of leading out on a multisectoral approach to tackling the drugs issue on a more localised basis.

On an ongoing basis, programmes and interventions on topics such as nutrition, oral health and physical activity are developed. Nutrition education at primary school is an example of this.

The health promotion unit of my Department is currently drafting a new health promotion strategy for the years 2000-05. I hope to be in a position to publish this strategy, which will address many of the issues raised in the report shortly.

The drugs and AIDS services of the Eastern Regional Health Authority are also devising a new action plan for the coming five year period. This plan will be greatly informed by the findings of this report.
