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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 7 Mar 2000

Vol. 515 No. 6

Written Answers. - Fishing Net Regulations.

Jim O'Keeffe


73 Mr. J. O'Keeffe asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources the reason there are different restrictions on the length of net for salmon fishermen off the south west coast as opposed to those off the north west coast; and the proposals, if any, he has for change in this regard. [6602/00]

The applicable bye-laws in relation to the maximum length of drift net for salmon or trout fishing provide for a general maximum of 732 metres in the southern, south western, Shannon and western fisheries regions and for a general maximum of 1,372 metres in the north western and northern fisheries regions. The bye-laws also provide for lower maxima in certain waters in these fisheries regions and in the eastern fisheries region such as specified tidal waters and bays.

Technical factors which are relevant in setting of the two general maxima are the performance of drift nets in differing sea conditions and the configuration of the coastline in the various fisheries regions. These factors have a significant bearing on the fishing opportunity provided by a given length of drift net.

The National Salmon Commission, which will be representative of all the stakeholders, will assist and advise me on policy and strategies in relation to the national salmon resource. The maximum length of drift nets would be included among the range of technical salmon management measures which will also be within the remit of the commission to assess. Any proposal for change in the maximum permitted lengths at present would need to be considered in the light of technical considerations and overall salmon conservation and management policy considerations.
