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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 18 Apr 2000

Vol. 518 No. 3

Written Answers. - Licensing Trade.

John V. Farrelly


254 Mr. Farrelly asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the plans, if any, he has to change the policy with regard to the opening of new public houses, where under the existing legislation, a licence is required to open a new public house; the plans for urban areas and the rural areas; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11775/00]

The Intoxicating Liquor Bill, 2000, presented to the Seanad on 31 March 2000 represents the Government's policy for a comprehensive overhaul of the law in relation to hours of trading, licensing and under-age drinking.

In so far as the subject matter of the question is concerned, I draw the Deputy's attention in particular to part 4 of the Bill. Its effect is to abolish certain restrictions in the law on persons who wish to open a new licensed premises based on population increase, the one mile rule, and extinguishment of one or two existing licences depending on whether it is a rural or city licence. The Bill provides simply that a new licence may be issued anywhere in the State in substitution for one existing licence where the court is satisfied as to the fitness of the applicant, the fitness or convenience of the new premises, and by reference to the adequacy of the existing number of licensed premises in the vicinity of the proposed new premises. The new rules which I have provided for in the Bill, will substantially change the manner in which a licence may be acquired for a new premises.
