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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 10 May 2000

Vol. 518 No. 6

Written Answers. - Coastal Protection.

Liz McManus


112 Ms McManus asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources when the second phase of the Bray coastal protection scheme will commence; his views on the alternative proposals put forward by local interest groups; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12934/00]

Phase one of the Bray coastal protection scheme, consisting of the construction of a groyne and breakwater, was completed last year, and phase three, which comprises repairs to the harbour wall, will be finished this year. Further works are required, however, to provide essential protection for the promenade and seafront, in the interests of public safety and the infrastructure itself.

The nature of phase two works to be undertaken is primarily a matter for Bray Urban District Council and my Department's role is one of providing technical advice, project management services and financial assistance. I understand that this matter has been considered in considerable detail by the local authority, drawing on, inter alia, technical evaluations of alternatives commissioned by my predecessor. The urban district council's decision was that phase two should proceed in the form of a beach nourishment scheme.

Funding has been provided in the coastal protection programme for 2000 for the phase two works at Bray and the urban district council has confirmed to my Department that it is in a position to provide the necessary local contribution. Preparation of tender documents for the works is now under way in my Department.
