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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 18 Oct 2000

Vol. 524 No. 3

Written Answers. - Free Travel Scheme.

Thomas P. Broughan


158 Mr. Broughan asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs if he has received any submissions seeking to subsidise free air travel for people who hold the free travel pass; and the action he will take on the matter. [22553/00]

Deputy Ivor Callely raised this issue with me by way of Parliamentary Question dated 2 June 1999 and I understand he may also have raised it with other Ministers.

The purpose of the free travel scheme is to enable older people and people with disabilities to remain independent and active in the community thereby preventing or delaying the need for institutional care. In general the scheme provides for travel within the State and includes services to the Aran Islands and Tory Island.

The review of the free schemes which was published by the Policy Institute, Trinity College, Dublin, in April this year, examined the issue of extending the free scheme to include other items of expenditure. The review considers that the scheme as currently constituted provide a basic package of necessary household benefits that ensure a limited standard of comfort or well-being to a particular targeted group. It notes that it is not the business of this Department to provide for all socially desireable items of expenditure. The review recommended that no further goods and services be covered by the free schemes.
Any changes in the free travel scheme must be looked at in a budgetary context.