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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 19 Jun 2001

Vol. 538 No. 3

Written Answers. - General Medical Services Scheme.

Denis Naughten


222 Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Health and Children the plans he has to improve the medical service to sufferers of tinnitus; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17851/01]

The provision of hospital services to persons with tinnitus is a matter in the first instance for the health boards and the Eastern Regional Health Authority.

I am aware of concerns expressed by representatives of the Irish Tinnitus Association regarding the level of services available in major hospitals to tinnitus sufferers. In this regard, I am having enquiries made of the health boards and the ERHA in order to assess the current position.

I have also arranged for officials from my Department to meet with representatives of the association when the service position has been clarified.
