For the EU to be in a position to be able to act effectively in crisis management it must be able to deploy the full range of civilian and military means at its disposal in a coherent and co-ordinated manner. Priority is being accorded to developing instruments and modalities for civil-military co-ordi nation in the ESDP context. Crisis management procedures are being developed that should guarantee quick, effective and coherent decision-making in a Petersberg Tasks type crisis. In this regard the EU Council recently approved an EU exercise policy and an exercise programme.
The exercise policy identifies the EU requirements for categories of exercises, including joint exercises with NATO, and will be the basis for the effective implementation of all EU crisis management exercises. Arrangements for the involvement of the non-EU European NATO members and other candidates for accession to the EU are provided for.
The exercise programme covers the period 2001-06, with a sequence of exercises designed to ensure appropriate readiness and efficient functioning in a crisis management situation. The exercises are designed to ensure the EU structures, procedures – including consultation with the UN – and arrangements are properly tested and validated to ensure appropriate readiness and efficient functioning in a Petersberg Tasks type crisis. The EU does not intend to engage in military field exercises.