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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 22 Oct 2002

Vol. 555 No. 5

Written Answers. - Civil Service Recruitment.

Michael Ring


175 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Finance if a panel was set up following the interviews in the open competition specifically for former civil servants held in 2001; the number placed on the panel; the number recruited from the panel; the number of those recruited who were former employees of Eircom; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18889/02]

The Office of the Civil Service Commissioners and Local Appointments Commissioners held four open recruitment competitions for former civil servants in 2001. The competitions were for clerical officer, executive officer, executive officer-junior systems analyst and administrative officer.

The numbers of candidates who were placed on the panels for these competitions and the number of candidates who were assigned from the panels are set out in the following tables. The Office of the Civil Service Commissioners and Local Appointments Commissioners has informed me that it does not maintain information on whether the candidates at the four competitions were former employees of Eircom.

Clerical Officer

Closing date 09/03/2001

1,708 candidates placed on panel

569 candidates assigned from panel.

This competition included Dublin and seven provincial areas.

Executive OfficerClosing date 22/06/2001

85 candidates placed on panel

73 candidates assigned from panel.

Executive Officer-Junior Systems AnalystClosing date 22/06/2001

13 candidates placed on panel

12 candidates assigned from panel.

Administrative OfficerClosing date 22/06/2001

24 candidates placed on panel

3 candidates assigned from panel.
