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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 18 Feb 2003

Vol. 561 No. 4

Written Answers. - Road Safety.

Pat Breen


405 Mr. P. Breen asked the Minister for Transport if he intends to issue free arm-bands to every family here in order to elevate the dangers for pedestrians and to cut down on fatalities; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4803/03]

It is generally accepted that road safety issues such as this, are best promoted by way of educational and publicity campaigns, such as those undertaken by the National Safety Council. The safety of all road users is generally a matter of personal responsibility and in that context the rules of the road includes a strong recommendation supporting the use, at night by pedestrians, of reflective armbands outside urban areas.

While I do not consider that there should be a regulatory requirement on people to wear such arm bands, I will forward the Deputy's suggestion to the National Safety Council.
