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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 23 May 2006

Vol. 620 No. 1

Address by Prime Minister of Australia.

The Honourable John Howard MP

I appreciate the Ceann Comhairle's warm welcome. I am conscious of the honour conferred on me and, more importantly, my country in being given the opportunity to address this meeting of Dáil Éireann. As a lover of the parliamentary system and admirer of what it enables us to do in the cut and thrust of parliamentary debate, it is a special privilege to address the parliament of any nation and, in particular, the elected representatives of the people of Ireland.

There are precious links between Australia and Ireland. During the years volumes have been written about these links by Irish people and Australians. The Irish have had an immense impact on our national character, politics and, in many respects, the way in which we view the world. The most famous chronicler of the Irish in Australia, Patrick O'Farrell, once wrote that the subject of the Irish in Australia was an impossible one, being too vast, various, complex and, certainly, elusive. I will not attempt to do what he claimed was impossible but must in passing make a few observations about the indelible and everlasting legacy Irish people have bequeathed to my country. That influence includes much of our sentimentality, a significant part of our prized larrikin spirit and a directness and candour in our personal dealings with one another. The Irish have also contributed enormously to our love of language and literature. The way in which Irish authors and poets have instructed us in the wonders of our language is deeply understood and affectionately regarded in Australia.

The Irish in Australia have demonstrated incredible resilience. Those who came directly from Ireland and those of Irish descent were not always treated as fairly as they are in modern Australia. For almost 100 years the Catholic community of Australia which during the period from 1860 to 1960 was overwhelmingly of Irish stock was forced to maintain an independent education system completely from within its own resources and without any government assistance because of a decision taken by various colonial governments in the 19th century to introduce a system they described as free, compulsory and secular. It was not until the 1960s that assistance was first given. The resilience of the community in maintaining its own education system by means of often meagre resources stands as a testament to the determination and resilience of its members.

Today, Australia sees an Irish nation, fully understanding the balance and nature of its history. I warmly acknowledge the decision of the Government to mark the Easter Rising of 1916 with a military parade, just as I acknowledge its decision to honour the thousands of Irishmen who fell in the terrible battles of the Somme in 1916 and Gallipoli. They fell in their thousands alongside the sons of Australia who also fell in their thousands during those terrible battles.

I applaud the progress being made along the long and hard road towards a fair and just settlement in Northern Ireland, in which Australia has been an active helper. We are certainly an interested spectator and greatly admire the co-operative efforts of successive Prime Ministers of Great Britain and Taoisigh of Ireland. We hope for an end to the long and often bloody road towards a fair settlement in Northern Ireland. Much as we feel a sense of nostalgia, feel sentimental and break into laughter about the relationship between our two countries, it is important — as I have done on a number of occasions since I have spoken in Dublin — to not just see it as a relationship nurtured by history and sentiment. It is a contemporary, people-to-people relationship and one of the wonderful aspects is how the young of Australia visit Ireland and the young of Ireland visit Australia in growing numbers. This did not happen a generation ago and both governments applaud it. It is significant that Ireland is the third most frequent user of the Australian young visitor visa programme. Both countries are enjoying significant economic success. I applaud Ireland's extraordinary economic performance over the past two decades and the way in which this country, through a combination of innovative policies, hard work and imagination, lifted its economy from great difficulty to be the fastest growing economy in the European Union. It has enviable low levels of unemployment and boasts a modern, high-tech economy. It can boast exports in areas that would have been unthinkable only a few years ago. Ireland, in a short period of time has gone from an economy that was sometimes, however unfairly, pitied by its friends, to an economy that is the envy of like nations around the world and in marked contrast to many of the other economies of the European Union and the world.

Australia is no stranger to economic growth and expansion and Members would be surprised if I came here as Prime Minister of Australia without sharing something of our economic achievements and success. We are in our 15th successive year of economic expansion and Australia enjoys the strongest period of economic growth at any time since the end of the Second World War. This growth is more soundly based than in the past. Although we had levels of economic growth in the 1960s that might have approached what we now enjoy, in the 1960s ours was a closed, inward-looking and protected economy. We had a fixed exchange rate, high tariff walls and an even more highly regulated labour market. We were in every way an inward-looking economy and in many respects an inward-looking nation. Much of that has changed due to successive reforms. I give credit to previous governments for some of those reforms. We have brought about major changes. We have eliminated government debt and have the lowest levels of unemployment for some 30 years. This is a product of continuous economic reform.

There is a lesson in this for both Australia and Ireland. In the modern, globalised world there is no turning back to economic isolation and protection. We live forever in a world transformed by communication and globalisation. Countries that have taken advantage of those developments should never turn back. That means Ireland as well as Australia and all countries that see themselves as modern, progressive economies. All of us must embrace more reform and explore new levels of openness. In Australia I frequently compare world economic competition with participating in a foot race to an ever-receding finishing line. Although one never gets there, one keeps trying and cannot slow down lest the other participants in the race overtake. That is the nature of economic competition in the modern world.

This inevitably brings me in a spirit of candour to the current Doha trade round. The world must not allow this trade round to fail. If it fails, the developing world will feel cheated. It will feel the developed, privileged parts of the world have ignored its interests. Most importantly, if the Doha trade round fails now, it will be many years before an American administration again receives from congress the amplitude of the trade negotiating mandate the Bush administration has and which has led the Americans to make a generous offer on phasing out export subsidies. I respect and understand the difference between Australia and Ireland on this issue. I understand the importance of the Common Agricultural Policy to the Irish people and to the policies of successive Irish Governments. I also understand that unless some progress is made on agricultural reform and subsidies, it will be difficult to make satisfactory progress on the current Doha trade round.

We live in a world that confronts the scourge and challenge of terrorism. In the fight against terrorism Ireland and Australia are united. None of us, no matter where we live or what attitude we take on individual political and foreign affairs issues, can regard ourselves as immune from terrorism. Irish citizens died in the World Trade Centre. Australian citizens have died in various places as a result of terrorist attack, most memorably and sadly in the Bali attack of October 2002, which claimed some 88 young Australians. As most Australians do at the end of a long football season of various codes, these people were celebrating the joy of mateship and being together in a holiday place that was familiar, friendly, beckoning and welcoming. That is the indiscriminate, lethal and cruel nature of modern terrorism. We all have a responsibility to meet and fight it and there is no single solution. It will need a combination of superb, high-quality intelligence, a strong military response where that is appropriate and justified, and, importantly, a spread of democracy, especially in the Islamic world. In that context it is important to recognise the role of moderate Islamic leaders, who can be a role model to those in their own countries who fight against the intolerance of extreme Islam. I think especially of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia, Australia's nearest neighbour. He is the moderate Islamic leader of the largest Islamic country in the world, and leads a country that in a few years has transformed itself from a military dictatorship to the third-largest democracy in the world. Sometimes the rest of the world does not respect and understand the extraordinary transformation achieved in Indonesia. It is important that leaders such as Mr. Yudhoyono succeed because they are not only democratic, but their example of being successfully democratic can be a powerful antidote to those in their societies who play on the prejudices of people who seek a comfort and resort in extreme manifestations of Islam.

As countries we have our differences, not only on trade areas. Differences were frankly acknowledged between Australia and Ireland, and Australia and other countries on the military operation in Iraq. It is not my purpose to debate those differences today but it would be a grievous error if, in a democratically elected Chamber, I did not salute the bravery and courage of the Iraqi people who on three occasions voted in circumstances of most fearful physical intimidation. The formation of an all-party government in that country represents a watershed, certainly since March 2003. It offers hope of a better, more secure future for the people of Iraq.

I began by referring to the great ties of history, culture and sentiment between the people of Australia and Ireland. When I arrived in Ireland I felt at home, not in a tawdry sentimental sense but in the sense of feeling comfortable and welcome. The ease of discourse I have had with the people of the capital in my few days in Ireland has confirmed my judgment on the nature of the relationship between our two countries.

Ireland has been an enormous contributor to the modern Australian nation. It has given us gifts and has reminded us of the resonance of our history. Not only is this a relationship steeped in sentiment, nostalgia and history, it enables us to speak with candour and frankness about contemporary challenges despite the miles between us. Good friends are those one can speak to directly, knowing that it will not disturb the warmth of the relationship. I am conscious of the great honour paid to me and the compliment extended to Australia, which will always retain a deep affection for Ireland and Irish people. It will always be grateful for what this wonderful nation has vouchsafed to the people of Australia.

Prime Minister Howard it is now my privilege to offer you the profound thanks of the Members of this House for your inspiring address which we will long remember, and for your kind and generous remarks about our country. As you and your wife Janet will leave us shortly, you can rest assured that you carry with you the warmth and affection of the Members of Dáil Éireann and of the Irish people. We wish you a safe journey back to Australia.

Sitting suspended at 5.50 p.m. and resumed at 7 p.m.