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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 7 Jun 2006

Vol. 621 No. 2

Adjournment Debate Matters.

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 21 and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Cowley — the expectations of the Government for the total spending plan for the BMW region from now until 2008; (2) Deputy Broughan — the need to ensure that key social infrastructure be planned and put in place in the north fringe straddling Dublin city and Fingal county councils; (3) Deputy Gormley — that the Minister introduce the necessary legislation and programmes to deal with the increasing problem of graffiti vandalism; (4) Deputy O'Dowd — that the Minister outline the findings of the report from Teamwork Management Services entitled Improving Safety and Achieving Better Standards from the HSE; (5) Deputy Catherine Murphy — that the Minister commit the appropriate resources for a school (details supplied) in County Kildare; (6) Deputy Healy — that the Minister fully resource youth programmes being delivered in Clonmel; (7) Deputy Connaughton — the inadequate compensation for farmers consistently flooded in and out of season in the Shannon callows area; (8) Deputy Pat Breen — that the Minister would provide funding for infrastructure to support tourism in Clare; (9) Deputy Ó Caoláin — the need for the Minister immediately to prevent the imposition of cutbacks in health services in the north east; (10) Deputy Crawford — that the Minister provide the necessary funding to the Health Service Executive north east; and (11) Deputies Penrose and McGuinness — the need to provide funding for a dedicated help line for missing persons and to establish a special missing persons unit to deal with current and outstanding cases.

The matters raised by Deputies O'Dowd, Cowley, Catherine Murphy and Broughan have been selected for discussion.
