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Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals

Based on information provided by the Department it is submitted that COM (2210) 111 does not warrant further scrutiny. The next proposal is COM (2210) 118. Based on the information provided by the Department it is submitted that this proposal does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed. The next proposal is COM (2010) 57. It is proposed that this proposal does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

The next proposals are COM (2010) 71 and COM (2010) 72. It is proposed that these proposals do not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed. The next proposal is COM (2010) 96. Based on the information provided by the Department, it is submitted that this proposal does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee. Is that agreed? Agreed. The next proposal is COM (2010) 97. Based on the information provided by the Department, it is submitted that this proposal does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee. Is that agreed? Agreed.

The next proposal is COM (2010) 98. Based on the information provided by the Department, it is submitted that this proposal does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Item 2 relates to proposals for no further scrutiny to be sent to a sectoral committee for information. The first proposal is COM (2010) 107. It is proposed that this proposal does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee. However, given the minimal implications for Ireland's financial contribution to the EU budget in 2010 if this proposal is approved, it is also proposed that the proposal be forwarded to the Joint Committee on Finance and the Public Service for information. Is that agreed? Agreed.

The next proposal is COM (2010) 108. It is proposed that this proposal does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee. However, given the minimal implications for Ireland's financial contribution to the EU budget in 2010 if this proposal is approved, it is also proposed that this proposal be forwarded to the Joint Committee on Finance and the Public Service for information. Is that agreed? Agreed.

The next proposal is COM (2010) 117. It is proposed that this proposal does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee. However, it is also proposed to forward this proposal to the Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs for information. Is that agreed? Agreed.
