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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 13 Jul 1932

Vol. 15 No. 21

Private Business. - Cork Harbour Bill, 1932—Appointment of Joint Committee.


I move:—

That it is expedient that a Joint Committee of both Houses be appointed to consider the Cork Harbour Bill, 1932, being a Bill entitled an Act to authorise an increase or alteration in certain rates, duties and charges leviable by the Cork Harbour Commissioners under the Cork Harbour Acts, 1820 to 1903, to repeal provisions as to the furnishing of ballast by the said Commissioners contained in the Cork Harbour Act of 1820 and the Cork Harbour Order, 1871, to authorise the said Commissioners to borrow money for the improvement and general purposes of the port of Cork and for the purposes of the Act to provide for the better and more convenient audit of the accounts of the said Commissioners.

I second.

Question put and agreed to.


I move that a Message be sent to the Dáil desiring their concurrence.

I second.

Question put and agreed to.